Coco Loco, Ivo Codiez, Happy Birthday Gang, Andy Ztoned, Benno, Chris Galmon, Raphael Tate, Kevin Jenewein, The Ard, Elysanna, League of Lyons, Lee, DJ Prodígio, Fel350, Monroe Dixon, DJ Chart, Max the Sax, The Weather Girls, E, Bloc Safari, p1, Sos Project, Tecay, Dance Myrial, Voices of Artificial Stupidity, Tomek Silva, Invisible Tune, Brain, Kenny Laakkinen, Patrick de Ville, D-Wayne, Sam One, Ference, Goldfaust, Alex Progress, Felix Röder, Mannymore, Tesla, Joss Dominguez, Manuel Tricky, Dennis Seclane, Jack York - Make It (Clubcut)
2023 • Разная • House Place Records
Coco LocoIvo CodiezHappy Birthday GangAndy ZtonedBennoChris GalmonRaphael TateKevin JeneweinThe ArdElysannaLeague of LyonsLeeDJ ProdígioFel350Monroe DixonDJ ChartMax the SaxThe Weather GirlsEBloc Safarip1Sos ProjectTecayDance MyrialVoices of Artificial StupidityTomek SilvaInvisible TuneBrainKenny LaakkinenPatrick de VilleD-WayneSam OneFerenceGoldfaustAlex ProgressFelix RöderMannymoreTeslaJoss DominguezManuel TrickyDennis SeclaneJack York